In the future, i will be moving from "Indonesia" to the "US" i don't know how long until i can afford it, but it's closer now
I've never been in an airplane nor knowing stuff what to do first, so, if you have experience with a flight, tell me what should i do and what else should i need to saving up first.
Tip: I didn't scare of height so it's okay
- Ferhandi
(Edit: Readers might want to skip ahead and read what @YendorNG had to say about my partially questionable advice. I'll leave the rest of this comment unchanged to not add unnecessary confusion.)
Some things that come to mind...:
People in the US do not know what "bread" is. If you want some, forget about the supermarket and prepare to look for a bakery.
Their medicine has stronger dosages than in most other countries - because there's less concern for safety. As for immediate and long term-risks, you'd have to talk to a medical professional on a case-by-case basis.
Is somebody shady looking is asking you to enter a privately owned building _or_car_ do not go with them! They can effectively legally murder you without going to jail for it, thanks to a law called the "castle doctrine".
Also: The whole "United" States stuff is B.S.. If you plan to travel between states, you will be treated as if you were traveling to a completely different country. That includes having to pay for "importing" certain goods you happen to have with you. Such as groceries.
Consider that 'Donald Trump' got voted into the most important office the USA have to offer by a _majority_. There are issues in that country that are beyond "fixable".
I'd recommend exploring the country with friends who live in the US and can play tourism guides as well as immigration helpers. Prepare to have "...And you think this is 'normal'?"-conversations - which is something that will happen to you in every foreign country.
Take care, Finasty.
I've heard about some places aswell as the food in there, i can try to adapt everything that are new to me
I do have friend in there, a close friend to be exact, she live in Houston, TX. I can live with her until i get a proper apartment and also work of course