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-Fiona F. Finasty
Finasty's Version: 25.37.40G

Ferhandi Malingong @Finasty

Age 20, Male

Lone Artist

English Education (Semester 2)


Joined on 2/14/20

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Anime art in here?

Posted by Finasty - 2 days ago

I've been drawing a lot of video games characters in anime style for years, i would like to expand my drawing to anime (real anime art this time), but im kinda afraid that most people here didn't like anime, so i rarely draw anime fanart

What's your opinion?



I honestly like anime, for me it's cool!

I don't watch anime since 2019, but i like making fanart of it

I think it's pretty cool

Yeah it is

I'm pretty sure anime art is SUPER popular here, especially Evangelion, One Piece, and of course, the late, great Akira Toriyama's beloved art style. Not sure what you're worried about.

If anything, my goofy and oftentimes-gross western cartoon designs seem to be a tougher sell here, especially since I don't draw a lot of pretty girl characters in general.

I agree with your second statement, usually goofy cartoon designs are a big success i sometime see it in either frontpage or non frontpage art

Lots of people enjoy anime art work and some of your recent art work honestly kind of already feels like cartoony art your just have to make sure you know which anime style your going for

Yeah, it do feel like cartoon-ish artstyle, i mix it with anime artstyle a little to create kinda unique artstyle for myself to maintain it

I don’t typically draw anime stuff, but I do love anime!

I stop watching anime in 2019 but i like drawing it
It's reverse...

Even though anime series are practically all I watch these days* I enjoy both. So I'd say 'either one' would be fine. :)

* I don't discriminate against cartoon style shows. But I do not remember any halfway-decent cartoons coming out this year, other than 'Invincible'.

I usually follows what's hot in here, since in this site there's a lot of video games fanart, i do that very often than anime

@Finasty I would say this site is biased towards "cute girls" in general, it doesn't matter the art style. "Goofy cartoons" have their own "waifus", such as Jessica Rabbit in Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Chel in The Road to El Dorado and Holly Wood in Cool World.

Everyone here loves anime

@jthrash evangelion is kool

@KhaosKitsune617 It holds up well, considering apparently I was only 1 year old when the first episode of Neon Genesis Evangelion came out (of course I did not watch it back then, according to my parents). It's usually good sign something like Evangelion is considered a classic if even people born well after its hey-day think it's worth watching.

Anime art seems nice