It was all just a miss understanding, i have tried to given you the proof, but oh well hater is still a hater, now everything got ruined, even my birthday got ruined bcoz of my suspicious words towards minors even though i hate pedophile so much
For y'all who still here, im thankful for you guys to keep digging for more information about this conflicts and for those who already blocked me, you guys just didn't know, research or even asking what was happening, i have tried to given you the information, but you guys already blocked me as if i am truly am a pedophile
This is my message to all who already blocked me
"Think before you do, your brain does not fully developed yet and can sometime tricked you to a bad thing"
Thanks again, my birthday ruined, my art delayed, everything went bad. I still gonna post like usual, but do remember that this is the last time we've met, i want to still continue my hobby as an artist, and talk carefully to others
Thank you for all of your concerned, and goodbye for people that blocked me.
I want to fix this problem slowly...
Now everything is good, no more conflicts happened and i will do not talking suspicious or anything that feels threatened ever again!
If i get caught once again, you guys can just banned me from this site as "Pedophile" or else... Mark my word!
i'll stay until, the end. that's how loyal a fan i'm capable of being
Thank you Diamondman