idk lol
Hello and Welcome! Enjoy my owner's creation that he made:
-Fiona F. Finasty
Finasty's Version: 25.37.40G
Age 21, Male
Indie Artist
English Education (Semester 4)
Joined on 2/14/20
idk lol
9. Your mom
10. I don't know, i ran out of ideas
"Put your own art as your profile picture/banner"
Yes, my profile is an example^^
"Make a mistake while drawing or doing something"
It happened many times XD mostly drawing the lineart over the sketch layer, lol. And sometimes I even almost completed the lineart phase that I had to ctrl+z everything. It happens usually because I sometimes forget to name immediately the layers.
"Fell off from any sources"
I don't know how to respond to this because I didn't understand the meaning, sorry^^'
"Get scam"
"Betrayed by a friend"
It happened in middle school. It hurt but I managed to move on
"Friends hate you"
I'm glad that you have no friends hate you, which mean, you have the best friend bond and i like it, though i want to hear more in how you do that but... I should learn from this answer
Thank you!
Those questions are kinda invasion of privacy
I'm not forcefully asking anyone, if they have a privacy, just say "For privacy reason" and i understand it, i just want to see how people expression with that question so that i could learn from any people
1. On Steam, yes
2. Too many mistakes
4. I’m from Romania, getting scammed is just another day at the office for me.
5.Unfortunately yes (thought me a lesson though)
6. No
Wait, so getting scammed is normal in Romania? Jeez, i hope you're okay
All of them.
well it's a bit the same but not too much
1) I have two friends who are really horrible and abominable, the other was poor but took advantage of me, happy that a real friend protected me from this crazy person, and the second is a toxic bitch!, Fortunately I have real IRL friends who are also my brother's friends!
2) being a male who has a profile photo of a female Oc it doesn't bother me too much (if there isn't an MF who believes me that I'm a girl or trans) that's why I add in the description that I'm a man
3) Cause an embarrassing moment on my favorite artist, and it's the worst thing to happen!
4) having fucking PTSD because of a horrible internship which lasted 3 weeks in November 2022, while seeing my mother go on vacation and see my neighbor die, which traumatized me and which made me hate this year and the month of November !
5) see my favorite artist left the internet because of a annoying son of a bitch !
6) oh less I have none of my real friends hate me and betray me, they are real friends like a brother's, not like it's two and patetich asshole who took advantage of me, he gets what he deserves !
Uhh first one yuh I love my art but the rest imma just say no for privacy reasons
Alright, keep your privacy, i'm not force u to ask about it :)
Have you ever had a dreams, that, sss, that you um, you had - you - you, would, you could, you do - you wi-you wants, you, you could do so, you - you - do, you could, you, you wanna-you want him to dooo so much, you could do anything?
Hey i remember this one
I did the 1st one
Is there something you’re not telling us, Finasty? I can comfort you.
(Dammit, that’s not what I meant.)
I'm not depressed or something, im just trying to see how people would respond to this post and can express their emotions in here
I might rarely asking this, but yeah, i will ask again in idk, only time will tell
One morning, not long ago, I was making fried eggs for breakfast. I was meticulous and methodical; turning them at perfect intervals like the ticking of a clock. After frying them to perfection, I was finally ready to claim my prize, setting out a plate and silverware. As I triumphantly approached my plate upon which I would place my golden magnum opi, my feet met with the accursed leg of my traitorous table; shattering my breakfastian dreams as I watched my glorious creation tumble through the air as an angel cast from the heavens. As they met the floor with a mighty splatter, my hopes and dreams were shattered in an instant. I was not destined to the fruits of my own labour; I was instead meant to grovel at my gravitational shortcomings. As I lay there, a crumpled husk of the woman I once was, I thought to myself, "Cannot mankind benefit of their own creation? May they who create not subsist off their labours? Are we all simply destined to work towards a reward that will instead be bestowed to another???" ...
Then I said fuck it and poured a bowl of cereal
This is a story of a guy doing a breakfast but in a storytelling
Good job
Have I ever...
Q: Put my own art as my profile picture/banner?
A: Yeah.
Q: Made a mistake while drawing or doing something?
A: Of course.
(Fell off from any sources? What does that mean?)
Q: Been scammed?
A: Yes.
Q: Betrayed by friend?
A: Yes.
You seem to be struggling with your relationships. I hope you're clear of abusers and can talk to someone (a real person who knows you and not a bot watched by a bunch of strangers). Feel better soon.
Actually I'm not struggling with anything, i just want to see how people expression for answering this so that i can learn their emotions
i been betrayed by all kinds of people
and I betrays friends too
That look scary, but i hope you don't betray me
@Dungeonation dang you beat me to it
all of these have happened, except for getting scammed and falling off from any sources (idk what this one means). i'm actually scared to talk to anyone who's betrayed me or hates me, because i don't think they'll take me seriously, and i feel like there's a lot of people, both online and in-person, that i feel like i haven't talked to in a long time just because i'm so nervous about it, but i feel horrible for not doing so. i've changed since these things have happened, but i feel like the only one who's actually moved on.
hopefully you're doing better than me right now
Don't be scared to talk with anyone, talking is the only way to get friends (although can sometime feel betrayed) but don't give up, there's plenty of way
I like how you express your emotions, i might have to learn from you
Ooooooohhh yeah certainly for the banners and the pfp
I'm planning to do another one
Great! I'm waiting
I'll list it down based on the questions:
1. Yes (cuz its something I like to do).
2. Yes cuz artist sometimes can make that mistake into a lesson.
3. Nope, never heard of that.
4. Maybe
5. Yes, most friends just left me sometimes
6. I did mostly everything
From all the response i got, you're the unique one
@Finasty I have very few friends irl and online but they are good, very good and helped me in my darkest moments, so did I the same. This is why I consider friendship even more important to me than love with a partner. I always tried to help and support them. One of core key to make possible these bonds was communication: a clear and direct communication helped me and my friends a lot.
Of course sometimes conflicts arose, but they were rare and when they happened we always tried to solve it through a clear communication.
And even in the case of former friends there was no hate from them nor from me, just sadness from me initially but my other friends emotionally supported me a lot and helped me to move on after some year. Still to today I have no hard feelings towards those who ghosted me. Another important element that helped me was listening to my gut feelings when being around a person, ofc it doesn't mean it's a valid tool since each person is different, but in my personal experience not listening to my gut feelings resulted in unpleasant experiences.
If you feel physical symptoms like sweat in your hands, an overall sense of uneasiness around said person, levels of adrenaline rising up (mostly feeling a rush that makes your heart beat fast), if you notice a toxic pattern (gaslighting, ghosting, making you feel bad about yourself or miserable, verbal/emotional/physical violence, love-bombing, friendship-bombing, etc.), then it's time to cut ties with them.
Remember loving yourself is an important element and it doesn't mean you are egoistical as long as you don't exceed like only narcissists can do, and trust me I've met plenty of them that now I can see their behavioural patterns most of the time, then it's not a problem being kind towards yourself because it means you respect yourself and put boundaries (another core element for healthy relationships) between you and others.
I hope this helps you a bit. Take care.
Thank you! This helps me a lot although i am still learning of trying to hear everyone's expressions so that i can try not to making everyone worried when something happens to me
1: yes
2: yes
3: idk what that means
4: no
5: you have no idea how many times.
6:probably, probably mot
Interesting, you could try like forgive them, but they might be already treat you as enemy, so no...
Thank you for your expression about this question, i must learn