2022 is over
What a rough year isn't it?
Everything i got in this account
I created this account around 2020 for uploading music, since making music is hard without a proper presets on mobile, i had to quit and thinking of another idea what should i do instead of wasting time doing nothing.
I had a girlfriend (4th), she know well about art, after i broke up with her, i cried for only 2 hours and thinking what if i making art and compete her?
That's was a really good idea, so i started art around 2021 (you can check my very old art on my profiles) at first im just asking for someone permissions to color their linearts, but as the time passed by, i am starting to learn how to draw, but since i don't know how to get an improvement, i had to quit around November 2021 (around 3 months later) im back at March 2022 and be productive, every improve i got, there's a drama before it, and all i had to do was just accept it and learn by just watching an art for hours and hours, you can notice my art is having a lot of improvement each month, is bcoz of a drama before an improvement happened, so my art went from this
April 2021
To this
December 2022

About Fans
I was very stupid about this sites back then, all i had to do was just, upload art and leave, that's not happening again when i met @themiamidesantos he was the guy i met for helping me a lot about how fans works, etc. He explained everything about it, and my fans at first goes from 20+ fans i think to 200+ fans in almost a year (i think, i forget what date time i meet him for the first time) he also help me promoting my profile (even though it's not working lol) if its not bcoz of his help, im not gonna be like this and might quit this sites forever
Special Thanks
This special thanks is for all of you, you're very special to me for supporting me from the first time until now, i would like to tag all of you, but me lazy to tag, hehe, so i tag that's is important and always reacting to me
@totallynotsandng @itsaugie @kr-karuo @broolow @colorscrimsontears @lastella @kingconnamonbun@ @funtimefandom45 @katcake01 @matoxy @khaoskitsune17 @nurm123 @kokorohatsaru @rio07 @z0i @zeeteem @drgshk-x @graytubby @fizzyrizz @jthrash @mrcrisps @healmore6969 @spookytina @temporaryaccountnnys @pixel-pabzki @poopooawsomeman @asskick427
And our special guests who make this site
Thank you and happy new year!!!